American Kidnapped in Haiti Freed after $40K Ransom, Calls Country a ‘Sh*t Hole’

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) On Monday, a Haitian gang released popular YouTube star Addison Pierre Maalouf after weeks of holding him hostage in exchange for a staggering $600,000 ransom. (Roughly $40,000 was allegedly paid). 

Maalouf was in Haiti in a failed attempt to interview Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier, the leader of G9 and Family Gang, the group currently in charge of the country following the abrupt resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. 

“Cameraman never dies. I’ve been released. Glory be to God. Christ is King,” Maalouf wrote on Twitter, confirming his release. 

In a separate post, the YouTuber claimed he was targeted “purely for the color of his skin.” He refused to provide further details at least until he arrived home.

“When you’re kidnapped in the middle of the Haitian Desert 60 minutes away from any civilization in a concrete shack surrounded by barbed wire, you don’t pray to a rainbow flag, you pray to God,” he wrote. 

Maalouf’s YouTube channel boasts nearly 1.5 million followers and features videos of him interacting with alleged criminal gangs in Brazil and an unnamed drug cartel in Mexico.

Having reportedly traveled from his home in Georgia to the neighboring Dominican Republic, Maalouf then proceeded to Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince.

In a video posted hours before falling victim to the gangs wreaking havoc in Haiti, Maalouf admitted to the dangers of traveling to the capital, noting that the hotel where he stayed was empty. 

“So, we actually cannot leave to Port-Au-Prince until the morning because it’s already 6 p.m. and if we leave right now, we’ll get there while it’s dark—it’s about a six-hour roundtrip,” Maalouf said in the video. 

Predicting his fate, Maalouf stated, “All it takes is one stupid gang member holding an AK-47 for one thing to go wrong, so we’re not taking that risk at night.”  

Media reports confirmed that Maalouf’s guide, Jean Sacra Sean Roubens, was also kidnapped but subsequently released by the gang.

Maalouf faced criticism for harshly condemning Haitian law enforcement following his release. They allegedly attempted to coerce him into paying more money before exiting the country.

“Do not ever come to Haiti. Haiti is the worst sh*t hole country I’ve ever seen in my entire life,” he said while at a local police precinct. “I am telling you right now, do not if you’re thinking ever coming to god damn country. Haiti is the worst country I’ve ever seen in my entire f**cking life, and I’ve been to 60 countries.”

He has since removed the video clip and clarified on Twitter: “After everything, I was peacefully leaving and someone tried to extort me AGAIN and now I am detained for no reason and no explanation and my family was expecting me to show up tonight and see them after 17 days.” 

He further stated: “Forgive me for coming off frustrated. I love Haiti and all it’s beauty.” 

Haiti is currently in a state of chaos with no sitting head of state after Henry failed to re-enter the country when gangs seized control of the airport in the capital last month. The former prime minister was in Kenya holding talks for a military intervention, when the gangs took over.


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