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New concerns are being raised over the actions of the organization that raises money to promote the message that black lives matter.

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the charity that represents the national BLM movement, has been beset with questions over what it is doing with millions of dollars in donations.

Reflecting widespread dissatisfaction with how the organization was accounting for what it took in, what it was spending and who was overseeing the money, the website CharityWatch last month wrote, “It is extremely concerning that the national public charity entity of arguably the largest social justice movement in the United States has not done a better job of communicating its financial activities to the public in a timely manner or of adequately addressing other questions related to its governance.”

Concerns led Amazon to remove the group from its charity platform as multiple states banned the foundation’s activities because it did not comply with the rules. As of Thursday, Washington, which ordered BLM to “immediately cease” its activities, was joined by New Jersey, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia in banning the group from raising money, according to the Washington Examiner.

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The outlet reported Friday that new concerns arose this week after Black Lives Matter sent a message to its supporters that called for support for Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson and included a button to donate to the charity.

The button, however, goes to the Black Lives Matter PAC, the group’s affiliated political action committee.

“BLM PAC is preparing for the most critical midterm election yet. Every single race is an opportunity to build Black political power,” the fundraising page linked in the message said.”If you’re ready to continue the electoral fight for Black lives, chip in to our efforts and start building for the 2022 midterms.”

Using a charity to solicit political donations “appears to be a clear violation of the IRS rules prohibiting charities from soliciting contributions to a political action committee,” Paul Kamenar, an attorney for conservative watchdog group the National Legal and Policy Center, told the Examiner.

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