Armed thugs try to bust down apartment door until Texas

A Texas man encountered an attempted burglary at his apartment when two purported maintenance men tried to gain access. When the man fired a gun in their direction, they quickly fled the scene.

“You the dumbest f***ers for not wearing a mask ‘cuz I even got your name! Ever since the video’s been public, I got a name and everything. I was just waiting on the detective to call me!” said Ethan Rodriguez to WFAA-TV, addressing the two men.

WFAA obtained a video from Rodriguez which shows an individual wearing a black bandana and presenting himself as a maintenance worker having an altercation with Rodriguez through a doorbell camera.

According to Rodriguez, there was no one at the residence and the man was asked to return later, despite being aware that Rodriguez was actually inside the house.

“He was playing his part, he had the notepad and everything!” said Rodriguez.

When the initial suspect returned to the premises, he was observed grasping a firearm and attempting to force open the door. Subsequently, another individual wearing gloves and a mask attempted to kick down the door as well. In response, Rodriguez discharged his firearm from behind the door in order to protect himself.

“They told me I let off 13 shots! I couldn’t believe it! But then again, I did empty the clip!” Rodriguez recalled.

The two men ran away, but police say that one was able to get off one round before fleeing.

“I was hoping I got ’em!” laughed Rodriguez. “That was mainly it, just hoping I got ’em.”

Rodriguez was at home with his brother when the two unidentified men attempted to enter his home.

The police were able to apprehend one suspect, identified as 30-year-old Aaron Contreras.

He has been charged with aggravated assault, deadly conduct, and attempted burglary of a habitation.

Fortunately, Rodriguez’s wife and 7-month old baby boy were away from the home during this incident.

Rodriguez has expressed that he wishes to break his lease and move from the apartment due to safety concerns.

“Everything happened, I guess you could say, in God’s favor,” he concluded. “I protected my family, and he was just being a dummy trying to come to my house and get whatever.”

Here’s the video of the shocking altercation:

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