Biden Admin. Teams Up w/ Soros to Fund ‘Queer Muslim Project’

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) The Biden administration is financially backing a George Soros-tied project, aimed at supporting LGBTQI members in India to create literature, magazines and blogs. The project’s name? Queer Muslim Project. 

According to the Daily Caller, the State Department allocated a $15,000 taxpayer-funded grant to the Soros-funded Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action. In turn, this organization financed the Queer Muslim Project, a self-described “online platform for queer, Muslim and allied voices” in India. 

The grant specifically aimed to “support the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives, advance national interests, and enhance national security.”

These taxpayer-sponsored writers were scheduled to present their work at a “leading Mumbai literature festival,” according to a USA Spending listing.

The Queer Muslim Project boasts about its efforts to counter “queerphobia and Muslim hate” through alleged storytelling. The Queer Muslim Project has an alleged “global community of over 40,000 people.”

Headline USA reviewed one story, a compilation of essays titled, “A Zine of Queer Writing & Art from South Asia.” 

In the 84-page compilation, an author details his struggle to reconcile his Muslim faith with his LGBTQI identity.

Adnan Shaikh, a self-proclaimed “queer Muslim” who uses “He/They” pronouns, expressed: “I realized that I was not alone in my search for a deeper understanding of my faith and my identity and that there was a vibrant history of queer Muslims who had come before me.”

This taxpayer-funded project echoes President Joe Biden’s plot to promote radical gender ideology globally, especially in the Middle East, where opposition to homosexuality is prevalent. 

As reported by the Daily Caller, the Biden Consulate General in Mumbai collaborated with the Queer Muslim Project earlier this year, launching a 10-week “creative incubator” named the “Queer Writer’s Room.” 

One project funded by American taxpayers produced a magazine titled “The Beauty and Complexity of Being Queer and Muslim.” The report highlighted the group’s grievances with gendered bathrooms, as reported by the Daily Caller.


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