(Headline USA) With presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump beginning to pull farther and farther ahead in recent polls, White House press secretary Karine Jean–Pierre desperately reached for excuses to deflect from the Biden administration’s track record of consistently poor policies and callous disregard for the national mood.
Among the scapegoats were the pandemic that ended three years ago and “Putin’s war,” as well as Republicans thwarting the Biden agenda.
“We know it’s gonna take a little bit of time. We get that,” she claimed, in reference to the inflationary economy that began immediately after President Joe Biden took office.
Biden, meahwhile, was “in denial” about polls showing him trailing behind Trump, according to Axios.
Biden has repeatedly dismissed recent polls in which Trump is ahead as inaccurate, arguing the “data has been wrong all along” and blaming the press for reporting the results.
“While the press doesn’t write about it, the momentum is clearly in our favor, with the polls moving towards us and away from Trump,” Biden said at a campaign event last month.
Several Democrats have urged Biden to take the results more seriously and “change direction,” but the president’s belief that he is doing better than the polls say is “sincere,” the outlet reported.
“We run strongest among likely voters in the polling data,” Biden reportedly told donors in Washington earlier this month. “And while the national polls basically have us [among] registered voters up by four, [among] likely voters we’re up by more.”
The most recent poll from the New York Times/Siena College found Biden losing to Trump in five of six key swing states. In some of these states, such as Nevada, Biden is losing by double digits, the poll found.
“This election will be close like all presidential races are,” Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz said, when asked about the Times’s findings.
“What matters is which candidate has a popular and winning agenda, and which candidate and their campaign are putting in the work to reach the voters who will decide this election,” he added. “That candidate is Joe Biden.”
Trump, however, is just as confident that he can beat Biden – not just in the swing states, but in traditionally Democratic states as well.
Biden has been “so bad, I think we’re going to win them all. … I’m going to look at Joe Biden and say, ‘You’re fired!’” Trump told a crowd of supporters in New Jersey this weekend.
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