More than a year before the 2020 presidential election, then-candidate Joe Biden made an unequivocal promise.
At a campaign event on Sept. 6, 2019, Biden approached a woman who had questioned him and grabbed her hand.
“I want you to look in my eyes,” Biden said. “I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we’re going to end fossil fuel, and I am not going to cooperate with them.”
This event should have been disturbing not only because of Biden’s propensity to get a bit too close to unsuspecting women, but also because of what he said. A president promising to “end fossil fuel” presented a serious threat to the country.
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Many people assumed Biden was all bark and no bite when it came to punishing oil and gas companies. To be fair, he has broken plenty of promises during his career, and he had to know what kind of backlash he would receive when gas prices skyrocketed as a result of his own actions.
Sadly, Biden has dedicated the first year-plus of his presidency to keeping this promise, and now, he is trying to blame someone else for the consequences.
As Americans struggle to afford gas at the pump, Biden administration officials have said Russia is to blame for the exorbitant prices. President Vladimir Putin’s aggression, these officials say, has forced the United States to sanction him and in turn face higher prices.
Should Biden be held responsible for high gas prices?
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While the war between Russia and Ukraine has contributed to recent price increases, the fact is that gas prices were soaring well before Russia invaded Ukraine. Biden’s war on fossil fuels is directly to blame.
The Republican Study Committee (RSC) analyzed every action Biden took against energy in the first 15 months of his presidency, and they compared them with the average price per gallon of gas during…
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