Americans, by their very nature, are not big fans of their own government. Never have been, and likely never will be. We are a society who knows what they are worth, and knows the value of the struggle to maintain that worth. And, as the government’s piece of that pie gets larger, ours will always get smaller.
This is why a central tenet of true conservatism has always been a small government, always smaller than before, until we reach a harmonious balance of freedom and safety.
In the quest to tread ever nearer to that line, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz is introducing a new bill that would drastically alter the size of our government.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) introduced legislation this week to abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
In announcing his legislation, Gaetz responded to the ATF, saying: “House Republicans have the ATF in our crosshairs. The continued existence of the ATF is increasingly unwarranted based on their repeated actions to convert law-abiding citizens into felons. They must be stopped. My bill today would abolish the ATF once and for all,”
The Sunshine State lawmaker was fired up.
Gaetz told FOX News, “My bill would abolish the ATF. If that doesn’t work, we’re going to try defunding the ATF. If that doesn’t work, we’re going to target the individual bureaucrats at the top of the ATF who have exceeded their authority in rulemaking. And if that doesn’t work, we’re going to take a meat cleaver to the statutes that the ATF believes broadly authorize their actions.”
The move comes just days after Republican lawmakers introduced a bill that would similarly abolish the IRS.
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