Fox News host Tucker Carlson described the nonstop Christian meeting that has been taking place at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, as “amazing” on his Wednesday program, adding it is a much-needed counterweight to all the evil in the world.
Carlson interviewed Alison Perfater, the student body president at the university, to get her firsthand account of what exactly is happening.
He began the segment arguing it’s getting harder and harder not to categorize all that is happening in the world in theological terms, like good and evil.
And a lot of things out there are “just evil.”
“And the good news is a lot of people are starting to think about what happens when you die, and they’re becoming much more interested in the spiritual life, which has been basically extinguished in the public square for a long time,” Carlson contended.
He then showed footage from the meeting taking place in Hughes Auditorium on Asbury’s campus, with people worshipping and praising God through music and prayer through all hours of the day and night.
“What is this?” Carlson asked Perfater.
“That’s the question, right?” she responded.
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“A theme or a Bible verse that we’ve all been sharing with each other is Habakkuk 1, and the Lord says, ‘Look at the nations and watch, for I am doing something in your day that you wouldn’t believe if you were told.’”
“And it’s happening, and we can hardly believe it,” Perfater said.
Today is the eighth day of a spontaneous rival service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Ky. Thousands have come from all over the country to be part of this. The response has been so overwhelming, the university has had to open overflow rooms in other chapels on campus. #WKYT
— Chad Hedrick (@ChadHedrickWKYT) February 15, 2023
Carlson confirmed that the whole thing began during a regular chapel service when a young man got up and transparently confessed…