When it comes to the abortion debate, liberals often ignore the fact that a baby is a person. While they may tout the safety of abortion, they fail to acknowledge the millions of lives lost to it each year.
On Saturday, CNN medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen joined CNN This Morning Weekend to discuss the Supreme Court’s ruling, which allows the abortion pill mifepristone to remain on the market.
She touted the pill’s “excellent safety profile” and that “millions of American women have used it”. Cohen also pointed out that, compared to penicillin and Viagra, mifepristone has “way, way less deadly” side effects.
This overlooks the fact that each abortion represents a life lost. While mifepristone may have a “low” rate of complications, those complications are still deadly.
Furthermore, the pill’s safety profile fails to account for the psychological and emotional trauma that many women experience after an abortion.
The abortion debate is more than just a discussion of safety profiles and statistics. It is a conversation about life, and whether or not it should be protected or taken away. To ignore the life lost to abortion is to ignore the very essence of the debate.
No matter where one stands on the issue, it is important to acknowledge the life lost to abortion. To do otherwise is to ignore the real tragedy of the issue. It is to ignore the millions of babies that never had a chance to live, and the countless women who live with the guilt of ending a life.
Life is precious, and once it is taken away, it cannot be given back. Whether one is pro-life or pro-choice, it is important to remember this fact. To ignore it is to ignore the very heart of the abortion debate.
I also have to point out that even if Viagra can sometimes be fatal to people with undiagnosed heart conditions, the person who took the medication typically did so on their own free will. The same cannot be said for the baby on the receiving end of an abortion.
Erica Carlin is an independent journalist, opinion writer and contributor to several news and opinion sources. She is based in Georgia.
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