The police in Wyandotte, Michigan, know who stole the lunch of one of their officers from the police department’s break room. They even know it was a dedicated member of the department.
But after a vast public campaign on behalf of the culprit, no charges will be filed.
The department issued a tongue-in-cheek post about its dilemma on its Facebook page.
“Stealing is not only a crime but it is morally wrong too. Some jobs, like that of being a police officer, require you to take an oath prior to starting. Within the officer’s sworn oath is the promise to protect person’s property. That being said, it saddens me to report that a current officer of the Wyandotte Police Department is under investigation for stealing!” the Jan. 12 post began.
“It’s usually not something another officer would do,” Officer Cade Barwig, who suffered the loss of his salami muenster sandwich, said, according to WXYZ-TV.
He recalled the events of the crime.
“I get out my lunchbox, get my sandwich out, have one or two bites of it,” he said, noting he was called to assist with a troublesome prisoner. No sandwich awaited him upon his return.
“Then I realized Officer Ice was here, and I kinda knew that was his track record,” he said.
K9 Officer ICE MugshotWyandotte, Mich.
Police Share Mugshot of K9 Officer Accused of ‘Stealing’ (ate a Lunch in the breakroom🤣)
It looks like Officer Ice is in some deep doo-dooOfc. Ice invoked his 5th amendment right to remain silent and frankly is not cooperating w/invest.
— eva (@Racy1Eva) January 19, 2023
The Facebook post said Ice, a K-9 who has 11 years with the department, was “leisurely strolling out of the room licking his chops.”
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“Ofc. Ice has invoked his fifth amendment right to remain silent and quite frankly is not cooperating with the investigation.
“He has a history of rummaging through trash cans that are within his reach. There have been…
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