The bias for transgenders is so strong in the NCAA that even natural-born women who tie a transgender athlete can’t get her proper recognition.
University of Kentucky senior Riley Gaines was thrilled to win fifth place in the 200 freestyle last week during the NCAA championships held at Georgia Tech’s McAuley Aquatic Center. But her elation was dashed when she found out her time tied with that of controversial transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas.
Her foreboding got even deeper when she approached officials and was told she couldn’t even get a trophy because they gave the only fifth-place award they had to Lia Thomas without even discussing it first.
They told her that Thomas got the trophy because of “chronological order,” but the explanation didn’t satisfy Gaines.
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Officials then offhandedly told her she could stand on the winner’s dais next to Thomas and could hold the sixth place trophy to make it look like she was getting a trophy that day. But in fact, Gaines went home without a trophy and was told that it would be mailed to her later. Gaines went from being the fifth-best female swimmer in college sports to going home without the trophy that she was due.
Gaines told the Daily Wire that she tried to argue her case, but it was clear that the NCAA was more interested in catering to Thomas, a biological male who “identifies” as a woman, than they were to assisting actual female contestants.
Photos of the trophy ceremony show Gaines at 5 foot 5, standing next to the hulking Thomas, 6 foot 1. But Gaines has decided to speak out about this humiliation.
Here’s a photo of Lia Thomas and Riley Gaines after they tied for 5th in the women’s 200 freestyle.
Riley told @realDailyWire that an official told her to hold the sixth place trophy.
“We just want Lia to hold the fifth place trophy.”
(via Getty by Rich von Biberstein)
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) March 23, 2022
“Ok that’s fine, she worked hard, just like I worked hard, there’s no…
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