by Kelly John Walker
What Does Guo Wengui (Miles Guo) Know?
Chinese Whistleblower, Mr. Miles Guo knows too much. He can name names of those within the U.S. Justice Department who have colluded with the corrupt Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In fact, Guo has key information Congress must have in its fight to rid the DOJ of CCP infiltration and corruption.
It is because of what he knows that Guo is presently sitting in a federal gulag, denied bail and denied due process. Simply put, Miles Guo is a threat to the criminally treasonous among us—a threat to be neutralized at all costs.
Currently, Guo is being prevented by the crooked DOJ from testifying in the March 27
Trial of Pras Michel, a former member of musical group The Fugees, who is charged by the DOJ for illegally influencing the White House and the DOJ to send Miles Guo back to China. Michel was paid more than $100 million by the CCP as a “bounty hunter” to destroy their #1 enemy, Guo. (The CCP wants Guo so desperately, that Xi Xinping made a request in person for President Donald J. Trump to expedite him.)
Not coincidentally, shortly after Mr. Guo began exposing the criminal activities of the CCP, as well as naming those colluding with them within the DOJ in 2017, Michel introduced George Higginbathom, then a senior official at the DOJ, to millionaire Malaysian playboy Jho Low and members of the CCP. In July of that year, Michel arranged for Higginbathom to meet with the Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai in Washington to discuss their illegal plan to send Miles Guo back to communist China. Michel also traveled with Higginbathom, former RNC Finance Chairman Elliot Broidy, and Broidy’s Associate Nickie Davis to Shen Zhen, China in 2017 to meet with Vice Minister of Public Security Sun Lijun.
Knowing full well that Pras Michel is scheduled to go on trial March 27, the DOJ arrested Guo on March 15th, 2023, effectively quashing testimony that would reveal the true identities of those inside DOJ who are working for the CCP. (The arrest also happened just days after a group of Chinese Whistleblowers concluded two trips lobbying members of Congress to investigate.)
Even after Miles Guo’s arrest, when Michel’s lawyer asked the court to allow Miles Guo to testify, the CCP-infiltrated DOJ refused to let Miles Guo testify. Why would…
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