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Us President Joe Biden isn’t having the smoothest first term in office, that’s for sure, but the more worrisome issue seems to be that nothing is going to change that.

First-year presidents can be rather unpopular, particularly after hotly contested, close elections.  But Biden, who appeared reluctant to even run in the first place, has been reticent to execute just about any part of his agenda, and the pieces that he is willing to work on have been stalled by Congress.

This has the Commander in Chief racking up very few wins in these first 14 months on the job, and digging himself into an approval hole that even the State of The Union couldn’t get him out of.

Just 35 percent of voters approve of President Biden following his State of the Union address, a Thursday Civiqs poll found.

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Biden’s slumping approval rating is weighed down by independent voters. Overall, only 24 percent of independents approved of Biden, while 64 percent disapproved.

The demographical breakdown will surely have some Democratic strategists alarmed.

Broken down by race, just 40 percent of independent black voters supported Biden. Twenty-four percent of white independents approved, and 21 percent of independent Hispanics approved of Biden.

In every state in the nation, Biden’s approval rating is negative among independents. Only 20 percent of independents in California, 30 percent in Vermont, and 21 percent in New York approved of Biden.

Now, with the situation in Russia deteriorating rapidly, this unwillingness to trust the US President to do the right thing could sink the Democratic Party’s hope of success in the 2022 midterm elections.

Us President Joe Biden isn’t having the smoothest first term in office, that’s for sure, but the more worrisome issue seems to be that nothing is going to change that. First-year presidents can be rather unpopular, particularly after hotly contested, close elections.  But Biden, who appeared reluctant to even run in the first place, has been reticent to execute just about any part of his agenda, and the pieces that he is willing to work on have been stalled by Congress. This has the…


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