Ex-Fox News Anchor Chris Wallace Bombs in His CNN Debut, Gets Crushed by His Former Employer


The Nielsen ratings are out and they aren’t looking good for former Fox News host Chris Wallace.

After spending 18 years with the right-leaning outlet, Wallace turned down a contract extension and announced his departure on Dec. 12, 2021. He soon joined the liberal Fox News rival CNN.

His new show, “Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace,” was launched in the spring on the streaming service CNN+, with guests such as former White House press secretary Jen Psaki and President Joe Biden’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens.

Unfortunately for Wallace, few viewers showed an interest in subscribing to CNN+, and on April 30, only a month after its March 29 debut, Warner Bros. Discovery opted to cancel it.


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Wallace’s show re-emerged, however, with CNN announcing on Sept. 6 that it would air on the network Sunday nights starting this week.

Unfortunately again for Wallace, the revived endeavor is shaping up to be a failure as well, according to a Monday report from the Washington Examiner.

It said Nielsen Media Research showed the ratings for Wallace’s show were down 29 percent from the average on Sunday.

In total, only 401,000 people tuned in to watch.

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Moreover, Wallace’s show dropped a whopping 64 percent from the average among the coveted 25 to 54 demographic. A mere 44,000 viewers from that age group tuned in.

Wallace’s direct Fox News competition, “Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy,” performed quite well in comparison.

The former South Carolina congressman’s program garnered over three times as many viewers, 1.3 million in total, according to the Examiner.

Among the coveted 25 to 54 demographic, Gowdy’s show netted 78,000 viewers.

“FoxNews made Chris Wallace, didn’t need him. Ratings don’t lie,” political commentator Mike Cernovich wrote on Twitter regarding the news.


Ex-Fox News Anchor Chris Wallace Bombs in His CNN Debut, Gets Crushed by His Former Employer

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