Everyone knows that voter rolls can be notoriously out of date, hence the concern during the 2020 election when some states like California and Nevada chose to send absentee ballots and other states sent absentee ballot applications to every registered voter.
People change addresses, move out of state or die making keeping the voter rolls current an ongoing job, with perfection never possible.
Hence the reason in-person voting with a photo ID is the most secure way to ensure the right person is casting the ballot.
An employee of The Western Journal and her husband moved to Missouri from Arizona over a year ago and notified the state of their move, she said.
The employee, who we’ll call Pam for the sake of the story, recounted, “[W]e sent signed certification to the State of Arizona not long after we registered to vote in MO, confirming that we were no longer Arizona voters.”
Nonetheless, Pam’s husband, who we’ll call Paul, received a mailer addressed to their Missouri home from the Solutions for Arizona PAC, exhorting him to vote a straight Democratic ticket, including for current Secretary of State Katie Hobbs to become Arizona’s next governor.
“My first thought when I got that was, we confirmed to the state of Arizona right after we moved here [last fall] that we were now registered to vote in Missouri,” Paul told The Western Journal in a written statement.
“We should be off the voter rolls. So how did she get my address? And if we’re still on the voter rolls, we’re registered as Republicans, so why did she send a Republican a card to vote for a straight Democrat ticket?” he asked.
Again, to be clear, the Hobbs campaign did not send the mailer, the pro-Hobbs Solutions for Arizona PAC did.
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“My other thought was,” Paul continued, “If I contact the Arizona elections department after Election Day, will I find that I ‘voted?’ Or will I get a visit from the sheriff, accusing me of voting in two states?”
The mailer…
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