Home Depot Co-Founder Goes Scorched Earth on Biden and Woke Leftists: ‘I’m Too Lazy, I’m Too Fat, I’m Too Stupid’


The late comedian Mitch Hedberg, best known for his off-kilter observational non-sequiturs, once said this about America’s most successful big-box home-improvement store: “I went to the Home Depot, which was unnecessary. I need to go to the Apartment Depot. Which is just a big warehouse with a whole lot of people standing around saying, ‘We don’t have to fix anything.’”

I’m not sure if Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus has ever heard the joke, but he’d probably find it apropos. Because, to hear him tell it, if he were going to found a company today, he’d probably consider the Apartment Depot model.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Marcus, a longtime backer of Republicans and Republican causes, said he was “worried about capitalism” and blamed a slew of influences — including President Joe Biden and “the woke people” for creating a society where no one actually wants to do labor.

“Nobody works,” the 93-year-old Marcus said in an article published Thursday.

“Just give it to me. Send me money. I don’t want to work — I’m too lazy, I’m too fat, I’m too stupid,” Marcus said about current American attitudes.


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“Nobody gives a damn.”

Marcus, who co-founded the Home Depot chain in Atlanta in the 1970s, said the current atmosphere has him worried about the future of the system that’s made us rich enough to make us think we can get by on being lazy, fat and stupid.

“I’m worried about capitalism,” Marcus said, per the Financial Times.

“Capitalism is the basis of Home Depot, (and) millions of people have earned this success and had success. I’m talking manufacturers, vendors and distributors and people that work for us (who have been) able to enrich themselves by the journey of Home Depot. That’s the success. That’s why capitalism works.”

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As for who’s to blame, there’s a long list — and pretty much every one of them deserves some of the blame.

The Financial Times reported: “The list of potential obstacles to entrepreneurial success in the United States…


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