Former Vice President Mike Pence suggested Thursday the “woke” left may rue the day they pushed for a culture war, given recent election results.
Speaking at a College Republicans event at Stanford University, just south of San Francisco, Pence couldn’t help noting Tuesday’s election results from the city.
“I had to read it twice. This week in San Francisco parents recalled three woke school board members who cared more about renaming schools than reopening them,” he said.
“I’ve got to tell you, those results are sending shock waves all across the country,” Pence added.
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In 2020, San Francisco voted for Democrat Joe Biden over then-President Donald Trump by approximately 85 to 13 percent.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won reelection by 78 to 22 percent on that same ballot.
In other words, it is a Democrat town.
This week in San Francisco—the most liberal city in America—parents successfully recalled three woke school board members who cared more about renaming schools than reopening them.
— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) February 18, 2022
Nonetheless, voters recalled three San Francisco Unified School District members with over 70 percent of the voters in each case.
Are Democrats losing the culture war?
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“The recall movement first gained steam more than a year ago as San Francisco Unified School District students remained stuck in distance learning, even when state and county officials gave the green light to reopen and while other public education systems were returning to in-person instruction,” the San Francisco Examiner reported.
“Calls grew more intense for the removal of the eligible board members when the board prioritized, while schools were still closed, the renaming of 44 campuses — whose names, such as Abraham Lincoln and Dianne Feinstein, it said, honored figures linked to racism and sexism,” according…
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