J6 Committee Makes HORRID Mistake, Releases SSN’s of… ⋆ What a boneheaded mistake! ⋆ Flag And Cross


Controversial from the jump, the January 6th select committee has finally disbanded, knowing full well that a House made up of a majority of Republicans was coming to shut them down in a few weeks’ time.

Their last acts were something to behold, especially if you’re into cringe-worthy theatrics.  Not only did they refer former President Donald Trump to the DOJ on four potential criminal charges, (one of which he’s already been acquitted of), they also retracted their subpoena of The Don, citing the fact that they would never be able to actually get him to sit down.

And for as whip-smart as the members of the J6 committee would like you to think that they are, mistakes were made…some of them nearly unforgivable.

When the House Jan. 6 committee released hundreds of documents from its investigation online at the end of the year, it inadvertently made public nearly 2,000 Social Security numbers belonging to high profile individuals who visited the White House in December 2020, according to a report.

The Washington Post reported Friday that the leaked Social Security information was included in a spreadsheet buried within the “massive cache” of records from the committee’s work. Social Security numbers belonging to at least three members of Trump’s cabinet, a few Republican governors, and several Trump associates were reportedly compromised. The data was part of the White House visitor logs published by the committee.


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While many Social Security numbers in the logs were redacted, the Post reported that around 1,900 of them were not. The Government Publishing Office (GPO), which was responsible for publishing the file, does not appear to have notified any of the individuals whose private information was released, the report said.

Among those whose information was leaked were some rather powerful figures in the Trump administration.

Those whose Social Security information was made public include South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) and her family, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (R), former Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

The documents have since been made inaccessible as archivists work to scan them for any further personal information.


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