Maine Democrat RIPS Biden Over Lobster Dinner with French Prez ⋆ Talk about putting your foot in your mouth. ⋆ Flag And Cross


The people of Maine are livid, not only with short-sighted conservation groups in their state, but now with the White House as well.

That’s because a group that certifies industries in terms of their environmental impact has just decided that lobster fishing is no longer an ecologically-sound profession due to the possibility that the equipment used to harvest these pricey Maine delicacies could impact the endangered right whale.  This has forced a number of retailers and end users to stop purchasing Maine Lobster, decimating the industry as a whole.

Now, after the Biden administration has refused to heed the call of concerned lawmakers, the President had the gall to serve Maine Lobster during a reception at the White House for the French President.

A Democratic lawmaker is pushing back on President Biden’s pompous White House celebration, where 200 live lobsters will be served for guests Thursday during a state dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron.

The night before the dinner, where guests are expected to enjoy lobster and caviar, Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine, took to Twitter to urge Biden to meet with the lobstermen his administration is “currently regulating out of business.”


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“If the Biden White House can prioritize purchasing 200 Maine lobsters for a fancy dinner, [Biden] should also take the time to meet with the Maine lobstermen his administration is currently regulating out of business,” Golden said in a tweet.

Golden has a history here.

Golden’s tweet is his latest call on Biden to uphold his promises to protect Maine’s lobster industry, especially amid a new dispute with whale conservationists.

The Maine lawmaker released a statement in October saying Biden broke his promise to Maine lobstermen.

“In 2020, while running for president, Biden pledged ‘I will work to protect the livelihood and safety of the fishing community’ in reference to lobstermen. He has yet to take a single action to make good on that pledge,” Golden said.

Maine Lobster industry experts have repeatedly explained that there is zero evidence of a single injury to a right whale caused by lobster fishing equipment, but to no avail.


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