Photos: GOP Rep Finds American Flag in Trashcan Outside Sheila Jackson Lee’s Office

A Purple Heart Republican congressman from Florida took to Twitter Thursday to express his anger at how an American flag was treated by Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee who stuck the flag in a garbage can while moving to a new office.

Brian Mast, who lost both legs after stepping on an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan, showed an image of the flag in a plastic garbage can and shared his thoughts.

“So this is a WTF moment here in the House of Representatives,” Mast said in a video accompanying his tweet.

“People moving offices and this is apparently where Representative Sheila Jackson Lee keeps her American flag, her POW flag — in the garbage can, in the trash. That’s her idea of appropriate for moving the American flag,” he said.

“WTF?” he said. “What the hell is wrong with these people?”


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“Today’s rescue mission: saving Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s American flag from the garbage can. @JacksonLeeTX18, anytime you’d like a lesson on flag etiquette, let me know. It’s one of the first things we’re taught in basic training,” Mast posted in the text of his tweet.

Mast has given more than most in defense of that flag, according to his official House biography.

Should Jackson-Lee apologize for the move?

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During his more than 12 years in the Army, Mast was awarded The Bronze Star Medal, The Army Commendation Medal for Valor, The Purple Heart Medal and The Defense Meritorious Service Medal.

“While deployed in Afghanistan, he worked as a bomb disposal expert under the elite Joint Special Operations Command. The last improvised explosive device that he found resulted in catastrophic injuries, which included the loss of both of his legs,” the biography noted.

In 2021, Mast sounded off…


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