Planned Parenthood Memo from 1969 Exposes a Long-Term Blueprint for Population Control

Apologists for Planned Parenthood’s sinister mission will have to sink even further into denial now that a recently discovered memo details the various goals of the institution.

Conservative influencer Matt Walsh tweeted about the unearthed 1969 Jaffe Memo, which was allegedly written by eugenicist and Planned Parenthood Vice President Frederick Jaffe and listed various strategies needed for achieving population control.

Sir Francis Galton coined the term “eugenics” in 1883 which inspired fear of “race degeneration” in countries like Germany, which infamously applied many of Galton’s theories to their master race ideologies under Nazi rule.


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Margaret Sanger — founder of Planned Parenthood — also drew greatly from the tenets of eugenics to act on her belief that immigrants, blacks, the poor and mentally challenged should be systematically filtered out of the American gene pool via sterilization, birth control and abortion.

Among the various strategies listed by the Planned Parenthood executive under the column labeled “Social Constraints” were “compulsory education of children,” “encourage increased homosexuality,” “encourage women to work” and “post-pone or avoid marriage.”

Other alarming categories for these strategies included “Economic Deterrents” like “reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave benefits” and “require women to work and provide few childcare facilities.”

More strategies were listed that now seem oddly familiar: “abortion and sterilization on-demand,” “allow harmless contraceptives to be distributed nonmedically,” “improve contraceptive technology,” “discouragement of private home ownership” and “make contraception truly available and accessible.”

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Reading from this eugenicist wish list, it is alarming how many of these strategies are currently commonplace in the United States.

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