Rick Scott Scorches Mitch as Minority Leader’s Grip on GOP Slips ⋆ McConnell has become a bit of a punching bag for the right wing of the Republican Party. ⋆ Flag And Cross

Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell has had a long and industrious career in politics – this much is undeniable.  But there are plenty of Republicans out there now who believe that the longtime public servant has perhaps outlived his usefulness, particularly as the party takes a hearty turn to the right of McConnell’s near-centrist perch.

One of those who’ve begun to doubt McConnell’s veracity and necessity is fellow Senator Rick Scott, who this week torched the Bluegrass State lawmaker as “treasonous” to the party.

“Unfortunately, many of the very people responsible for losing the Senate last cycle are now trying to stop us from winning the majority this time by trash-talking our Republican candidate,” Scott wrote in the Washington Examiner about the establishment uniparty in Washington, DC.

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Scott went on:

“It’s an amazing act of cowardice, and ultimately, it’s treasonous to the conservative cause,” Scott continued. “Giving anonymous quotes to help the Washington Post or the New York Times write stories trashing Republicans is the same as working with the Democratic National Committee.”

McConnell has also been sparring with former President Donald Trump in recent weeks, with Trump demanding that the Senate Minority Leader step down from the leadership of the GOP to make way for someone more in tune with the party’s march to the right.

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