Ron DeSantis Lays Out A Firm List Of What’s Wrong

It looks like the Biden Administration has lost its way when it comes to military recruitment. Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida spoke out against the current administration on Friday, criticizing their decision to use a drag queen to help with recruitment.

DeSantis remarked during a speech in Bedford, New Hampshire, that with the focus on drag queens for recruiting it’s no surprise that “recruiting is in the toilet”.

This sentiment supports recent reports from the Department of Defense, which has lowered its recruiting standards to fill sufficient volumes.

Yeoman Second Class Joshua Kelley, known as the drag queen ‘Harpy Daniels’, was selected to serve a digital promotion in the Navy in 2022.

They were also featured in a profile on the website for the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren in Virginia for the 2021 Pride Month.

This comes after the Navy was already allowing those with a past containing marijuana use to take a second drug test, and allowing those with HIV to serve overseas and in the officer corps.

DeSantis went on to question the idea of needing a drag queen to fill officer roles, implying that instead of ‘fun’ recruitment tactics, we should focus on the idea of service and duty.

In DeSantis’ words, “When you have that sense of mission and nothing’s going to detract you from it, morale goes through the roof, because people feel like they’re part of something that matters.”

The ‘Woke’ agenda is nothing new to the Biden administration, and they have met plenty of backlash since day one of their current term.

But this situation takes it to a whole other level, with the use of a drag queen to help promote Navy recruitment. Many find the move to be playing up to a certain conservative base, and it looks as if DeSantis isn’t about to stand for it.

No matter where you stand on this issue, it’s worth noting that DeSantis’ sentiment is shared by a large number of Americans frustrated with Biden’s handling of the military, including veterans and active servicemen and women.

It will be interesting to see what comes of this in the future. Will the Biden administration indeed be held accountable for this unorthodox approach to recruitment and serve to remind other branches of government not to follow in his footsteps? We’ll only have to wait…


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