Senate Democrat Displays Alarming Mental Decline After Reporter Asks Simple Question ⋆ Flag And Cross


Democrat-itis is spreading.

The condition — known outside of high-level politics as “severe mental decline” — was first spotted on the presidential campaign trail in 2019, when Joe Biden, then best known for being a former vice president and serial fabulist, routinely gaffed in ways no man who wanted to occupy the Oval Office had ever gaffed before.

This didn’t dissuade the Democrats from handing him the baton, even when stuff like this would routinely drop out of his wrinkled maw:


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Now that Biden is president, things are getting worse — and not just for him, but his entire party.

In Pennsylvania, Democrats still got behind now-Sen.-elect John Fetterman, a man who was propped up by his campaign staff despite the fact a stroke he suffered just before the party primary left him unable to convey a single thought on the campaign trail without substantial difficulty. That didn’t bother leftists any, so long as they got the seat.

Should Congress have term limits?

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And now, one of the party’s most powerful senators is forgetting whether she’s running to be third in line for the presidency. Wonderful.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein was asked on Tuesday by a reporter on Capitol Hill whether she would take over the role of president pro tempore of the Senate. The role is traditionally held by the longest-serving member of the majority party and is third in succession to the Oval Office, behind the vice president and speaker of the House.



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