As we work our way out of the COVID-19 pandemic, and back into something that resembles “normalcy”, there are bound to be hiccups. Pandemics on this scale are, after all, a once in a century sort-of-thing, and modern science still isn’t perfect.
But there are some situations in which the utmost care and caution should be taken, or when the participants should just plain know better, and you would think that any event involving the White House would be one of them.
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Trevor Noah joked about the event becoming a superspreader — and now the cases are rolling in. The annual White House Correspondents Dinner, along with the festivities held in the days before and after it, have led to the inevitable spread of Covid.
The list was lengthy.
In the days since WHCD weekend, reporters and staffers from CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Politico, and other participating news organizations have tested positive for the virus. Most notably, ABC’s Jon Karl, who shook hands with President Biden and who sat next to Kim Kardashian, has fallen ill, as Politico’s Maxwell Tani first reported.
The liberal media has already suggested that the events surrounding the White House Press Correspondents’ Dinner could be the culprit, of course, hoping to distance themselves from the drama.
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