Texas Gov Officially Declares INVASION at Southern Border by the Mexican Drug Cartels

In a serious and bold move, Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently declared an official “invasion” by Mexican drug cartels at the southern border. This is a concerning development for Texans and all Americans alike, as these cartels are known to be highly organized criminal organizations that have been linked to many violent crimes.

The governor’s office released a statement saying, “Texas has taken action in response to the growing cartel presence in our border communities.” The statement went on to say, “We must send a clear message that we will not tolerate their illegal activities or threats of violence against our citizens.”

Governor Abbott also noted that these criminal organizations were not only targeting individuals living along the US-Mexico border but were expanding their operations throughout other parts of Texas and into other states as well.

He warned that the cartels’ actions could lead to an increase in crime rates across the state. The governor’s declaration comes after numerous reports of cartel activity near Texas’ southern border towns.

In recent weeks, there have been several violent altercations between members of different drug cartels in southern Texas cities such as El Paso and Laredo. Additionally, there have been reports of increased smuggling activity near Brownsville and McAllen. The “invasion” declared by Governor Abbott does not come without consequences; he has ordered local law enforcement agencies to take more aggressive steps towards combating these criminals.

He also encouraged Texans living in affected areas to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity they may see or hear about. Meanwhile, federal authorities have also stepped up their efforts towards stopping cartel operations near the southern border.

The Department of Homeland Security recently announced plans for additional resources at specific points along the US-Mexico border aimed at intercepting drugs being smuggled into the United States from Mexico.

DHS also created a task force made up of representatives from various federal agencies who will work together with local law enforcement officials to combat cartel activities across multiple states. Although it is difficult to measure just how successful this latest effort against Mexican drug cartels will be, it appears that both state and federal officials are taking steps towards addressing this issue before it gets out of hand.

Governor Abbotts declaration is an important step forward in combating this threat – one which should not be taken lightly by anyone living near or within close proximity to the southern border area where much of this activity takes place..


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