Trump Fires Back After DOJ Releases ‘Terrible’ Mar-a-Lago Raid Photo


The FBI urged a judge to reject former President Donald Trump’s request for a special master to investigate the bureau’s raid on Mar-a-Lago earlier this month.

The court filing from Tuesday included a picture from the raid that Trump took particular exception to.

In the filing, the FBI argued Trump did not have the legal grounds to request a special master in the case.

“Not only does [Trump] lack standing to raise these claims at this juncture, but even if the claims were properly raised, [Trump] would not be entitled to the relief he seeks,” the filing said.

Trump’s legal team had until Wednesday night to respond to the filing, CNBC reported, but the former president himself did not wait to make his feelings known.


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He particularly criticized a photo included in the filing that appeared to show documents from the raid. It was listed as “Attachment F” at the bottom of the filing.

“Terrible the way the FBI, during the Raid of Mar-a-Lago, threw documents haphazardly all over the floor (perhaps pretending it was me that did it!), and then started taking pictures of them for the public to see,” Trump wrote in a Wednesday morning post on Truth Social.

“Thought they wanted them kept Secret? Lucky I Declassified!”

In a subsequent post, he pointed out that the establishment media seemed to have abandoned its argument about the raid having to do with nuclear documents.

Will a special master be appointed in this case?

Yes: 0% (0 Votes)

No: 0% (0 Votes)

“Whatever happened to NUCLEAR, a word that was leaked early on by the FBI/DOJ to the Fake News Media!” Trump wrote.

On Aug. 11, The Washington Post reported the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago was performed in part to retrieve “classified documents relating to nuclear weapons.”

The Post did not name any of the sources who reportedly informed it about the nuclear documents, and no new information about them has been released.

The word “nuclear” was not mentioned a single time in the FBI’s filing on…


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