Tucker Carlson Calls for Biden’s Removal from Office: Now Is the Time to Invoke the 25th Amendment

After President Joe Biden made several outlandish comments about international affairs last week, Fox’s Tucker Carlson voiced what many of us have to be thinking.

The president needs to be removed from office.

It’s not personal. It’s not political.  But it’s obvious Joe Biden is not well and the 25th Amendment needs to be invoked.


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That amendment, of course, allows for the temporary or permanent removal of the president if he is incapable of fulfilling his duties.

In Monday’s telecast, Carlson reviewed three outrageous claims Biden recently made: response in kind to hypothetical Russian use of chemical weapons in the Ukrainian war, deployment of U.S. troops to Ukraine and regime change in Russia.

White House and other administration officials quickly followed Biden’s statements with modifiers and denials. Biden himself mocked and denied what he said, then reversed course and said he was owning his statements.

The world is witnessing a confused president of the United States making contradictory statements of grave consequences.

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And these are not misstatements or gaffes, according to Carlson. “A gaffe is when you mispronounce somebody’s name.

“… The United States is going to use chemical weapons? These are not gaffes. These are something else. They are dangerous, that’s for sure.”

An ongoing feature of Biden’s public demeanor is anger, Carlson said, playing a minute-long video montage demonstrating it.

It’s a common characteristic of old men (Biden is 79), especially those with declining mental faculties, according to Carlson.

The chemical weapon issue stemmed from a reporter’s question regarding how the U.S. might respond if Russia initiated chemical warfare in Ukraine.

It was a type of question to which presidents rarely reply, Carlson pointed out. “Presidents rarely respond to hypothetical questions for a simple reason —…


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