ICYMI| A low life school bus driver admitted to slapping a 10-year-old girl on the bus because she wasn’t wearing her face mask correctly. Well, he had to admit to it because the whole thing was caught on video.
This creep of a Colorado school bus driver who was captured on video slapping the young female student was fired and he is facing multiple charges.
Isn’t it weird in this day and age to hear in the news that something actually ended the right way? I mean, didn’t you expect to hear that the little girl was blamed for getting slapped and that the bus driver should get a medal? Well, not so this time. For once, the bad guy is held accountable.
A bus surveillance camera caught the school bus driver, Bertram Jaquez, on film smacking a student in the face because of a dispute he was having with the young student. The video shows the bus driver confronting the little girl standing over her as she was seated on the bus. Allegedly, she lowered her mask to under her nose because as she said, “I get sick from masks,” according to a statement the girl wrote about the incident that took place on the roads of Fremont County.
Other children on the bus told the girl to put her mask back on. Young tyrants in the making.
The girl wrote that she “yelled at them and said you shut up you’re not involved in this.” The other kids ratted her out to the school bus driver when she didn’t put her mask on to their satisfaction.
The adult male bus driver then told the little girl to put on her mask all the way on, and she refused.
“Out of reaction, I slapped her once,” Jaquez wrote in a written statement to the school district. Unfortunately for him, there is no get-out-of-jail free card or do-overs on your first time slapping a little girl in the face.
At this point, I know every father reading this feels Mr. Jaquez is a very lucky man that it wasn’t their daughter. And I know every mother reading this is thinking of a scene where Jaquez is lying in a pool of his own blood with mom standing over…
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