Watch: MSM Spreads NAACP’s Bogus Travel Ban Warning

CNN and MSNBC are clearly cheerleading the NAACP’s absurd “Travel Advisory” against visiting Florida, but the real agenda here is plain as day: a massive left-wing publicity stunt.

The NAACP says it’s a non-partisan organization, but its members have overwhelmingly donated to Democratic candidates over the past few years. And Derrick Johnson – the organization’s president and CEO – once wished Fox News could be “banned,” due to its alleged “intolerance and racial instability.”

Let’s be serious here. The group isn’t traveling to the Sunshine State to “protect” civil rights and converse with Governor DeSantis about the value of diversity. Instead, they’re trying to score some easy media points and scare away tourists.

Sadly, that message is being spread across cable networks like CNN and MSNBC, who are parroting the hyperbolic warning without mentioning the NAACP’s far-left leanings. MSNBC fill-in host Charles Blow started the party on Sunday, wondering if the advisory might lead to a mass exodus of Floridians.

“The NAACP just issued a travel advisory for Florida, in direct response to the Governor’s attempts to erase black history and restrict diversity programs. Could we see more Floridians moving away as a result of these policies? … Are we about to see some sort of Florida flight?”

However, the reality couldn’t be further from this fearmongering. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Florida was actually the fastest-growing state in 2022.

The stations know better, yet happily invited NAACP’s Johnson onto CNN and MSNBC to spread the group’s alarmist message. ABC and NBC were also more than happy to get in on the media bandwagon – all while CBS opted to remain on the sidelines.4

When a celebrity tweets something biased, they’re quickly called out. But when it’s a major civil rights organization with a sinister political agenda, the media happily provides free coverage.

This isn’t about protecting black civil rights. It’s about regaining relevancy – and all to the detriment of the truth. This racist charade should be called out for what it is – instead of being given the platform it doesn’t deserve.

Erica Carlin is an independent journalist, opinion writer and contributor to several news and opinion sources. She is based in Georgia.

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