What Are They Planning? Kamala Harris Attends Meeting of Shadowy Soros-Connected Group

Vice President Kamala Harris has been photographed at a convention for a shadowy leftist group with ties to billionaire financier and well-known progressive donor George Soros.

On Thursday, Fox News reported that the Twitter account for the union Call Center Workers United posted two photographs of the vice president speaking at a meeting hosted by Democracy Alliance in Washington D.C. called “Powering Up for Democracy.”

The Fox News report describes Democracy Alliance as a secretive group of wealthy Democratic donors who meet twice a year to lay out their agenda at events frequented by prominent left-wing politicians. One of the largest donors to the group is George Soros.


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Soros is well-known around the world for his radical left-wing beliefs. In July, he used Independence Day as an occasion to talk about the “threat” to democracy posed by Donald Trump, Republicans and conservative Supreme Court Justices.

Soros is also known for donating large sums of money to radical progressive candidates in American elections.

In November, a Soros-backed media outlet purchased a conservative radio station in Miami, which will probably lead to the silencing of a conservative media voice and the introduction of yet another leftist voice.

Harris’ attendance at this meeting of radical leftists raises an important question: What exactly is the left planning for America?

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We really should not be surprised that the vice president was present at this event. Kamala Harris is known for her extremely left-wing political ideology.

Harris is an ardent and outspoken supporter of abortion. In 2021, the CEO of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, praised Harris for her pro-choice leanings and expressed excitement about…


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