Woman ‘Nervous’ About Man Open Carrying in Store Takes to Twitter, But She Doesn’t Get Reaction She Wants

An Arizona woman took to Twitter on Friday to express her dismay at a man exercising his Second Amendment rights, but her tweet did not get the reaction she expected.

On Friday, Sharon Loeff posted a photo of a man open carrying a gun at a grocery store in Scottsdale, Arizona, saying that she found it odd that he was carrying a gun in public, given that it’s a “very high end area, far north of the city, very low crime.”

In a follow-up to her original tweet, she wrote “As an American I find it frightening!”


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Yes, as an American, she finds it frightening that an American citizen is exercising his constitutional right to legally own and carry a firearm.

She then posted a second photo of the man in the vegetable area of the store.

Loeff was presumably expecting that people would react to the photos with horror at the thought of someone carrying a gun in public. But instead, people reacted very differently.

First off, what this gun owner is doing is completely legal. According to the Behan Law Group, the state of Arizona allows all citizens aged 18 or older to open carry a firearm. This man’s right to open carry a gun in public is allowed under Arizona state law.

One Twitter user responded to Loeff’s photo by…


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