Staff Writer

Woke Breaking Bad Star ‘Atones’ For His ‘Brightness’

Bryan Cranston, the lead star in the tv program' Breaking Bad 'pandered to the woke-left while promoting his new job 'Power of Sail'."I'm 65 years old now, and I require to learn, I need to change," he stated. The actor went on a self-loathing rant while talking with LA Times. Cranston hasn't come very far…

Male Shaken Off Aircraft For WEARING A MASK? WTF?

Damned if you do, damned if you do not. There actually is just no pleasing some individuals. Allegiant Airlines threw a male off of his flight for using a mask. It was a hospital/surgical mask and entirely satisfied the CDC's ever-changin policies so what offers? Political derangement and the left's loathing for free speech, that's…

The MSNBC’s Rage Patrol Claims NYT Covered For WHO? LOL

The webs are addicted to anger, I swear. They discover factors to be annoyed where none exists for them. MSNBC's rage-machine Tiffany Cross and her partner in whine, Elie Mystal, simply switched on one of their own. The set claimed that New york city Times essentially covered for Trump and blasted them for not using…

AOC Freaks Out After Carlson Calls Her Out As A ‘Rich, Entitled, White Lady’ LOL

Aww. The poor little socialist darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez felt activated after Tucker Carlson called her out for claiming to be a 'individual of color' The over-privileged politician sits on Twitter doing makeup videos while an upcoming book makes her out to be a god and in some way she believed nobody would call her out…

ALERT: Declassification Confirms Our Worst Fears

I strongly believe that Donald Trump did what he thought was best for America everyday that he was president. That being stated, if we are being honest, the male did make some huge mistake. The majority of those errors were made in picking individuals to fill crucial positions within the…