Biden Rips MAGA Supporters as ‘Most Extreme’ Political Group in Recent American History

President Joe Biden outlined a highly questionable interpretation of American history during White House remarks on Wednesday.

After originally referring to those who support the “Make America Great Again” movement as the “most extreme organization” in history, the 79-year-old Democrat backtracked to clarify that he meant the most extreme in “recent American history.”

But even there, he wasn’t even close to being right, and any American who’s followed the news the past few years knows it.

Biden made the extremist claim in remarks where he attacked the Supreme Court for a draft opinion that would overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade court decision.

He suggested that the potential ruling would soon be followed by law that would separate “children that are LGBTQ” from being in classrooms with others.

Even by Biden standards, it was nonsense.

Maybe he was confusing the Supreme Court case with Florida’s law prohibiting public school teachers from exposing prepubescent children — in kindergarten through third grade — to discussions about sexual orientation.

But even if Biden was making a reasonable point, the draft ruling by Justice Samuel Alito specifically limits discussion to abortion — and only abortion. As TheBlaze quoted:

“And to ensure that our decision is not misunderstood or mischaracterized, we emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right,” Alito wrote. “Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.”

Biden’s claims of MAGA supporters being the “most extreme” political group in all of American history is a bold assertion, to put it mildly.

Is Biden smearing Make America Great Again supporters?

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