Big Tech Company Wealthier than Whopping 80% of All Countries

The 18th-century French philosopher Voltaire once said, “Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

Few could argue in this day and age that what people believe doesn’t come down to access to information — information that is largely influenced by big tech and mainstream media.

With this in mind, it is disturbing to find out that Apple, one of the largest tech companies to date, has an income that rivals most countries.

The tech giant’s annual revenue dwarfs that of the majority of the world’s countries by a significant margin, according to an article by Apple Insider, which ranks the company’s revenue for the last four quarters at $387.5 billion.

This figure would beat out Malaysia, which reported $372.7 billion in the same four quarters, and would put it a little lower than more modernized countries like Denmark, which reported $395.7 billion.


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Apple also isn’t far from overtaking economic powerhouses like Egypt, with $402.8 billion) and the United Arab Emirates ($409.9 billion), according to Apple Insider.

As the monetary value of tech companies like Apple grows, so does their power and influence.

Apple has made a documented habit of removing applications from their platform that they do not approve of, limiting discourse among people attempting to use those platforms.

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Following the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol protests, Apple promptly dropped the conservative Facebook alternative app Parler from its App Store.

Parler was not allowed back onto the Apple Store until late April of 2021, with “enhanced content moderation infrastructure in place,” according to Forbes.

More recently, Apple has suspended the social media app “VK”, or “VKontakte”, which is one of the largest social media platforms in Russia, to comply with the U.K.’s recently imposed sanctions over Russia’s “illegal sham referendums in Ukraine,” according to CNN.

Earlier in the year, Apple heavily restricted other applications like Apple Pay and removed various other Russian-sponsored media outlets from their app stores in response to…


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