Recently, Christiane Amanpour of Amanpour & Co., hosted a broadcast on CNN International and PBS. As one would expect, it was two liberal guests pushing restrictive gun control measures and talking about a phantom constitutional right “not to be shot” while totally disregarding the actual 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
It’s amazing how often liberals assume they know what’s best for the rest of us, and how far they’ll go to push their agenda.
On this broadcast, Amanpour made it very clear that she believes America should join other countries in cracking down against individual gun ownership – a stance that happily left out any and all input from those who disagree with her.
Amanpour was particularly bothered by how “it just took two shootings for Serbia to act swiftly” while “the United States has done nothing despite of 200 this year.”
One of her guests, Ryan Busse, a former insider in the gun industry, suggested using a “sensible gun control” approach, to which Amanpour responded by wondering if gun confiscation programs such as those in Australia, New Zealand, and the U.K., were “too draconian for the United States?”
Meanwhile, Kelly Sampson, director of racial justice at Brady United Against Gun Violence, was allowed to parrot her anti-gun rhetoric, including the mention of her book, “The Right Not to be Shot,” and the use of the tragedy of George Floyd to push her agenda.
Again, there was no actual debate allowed, though we heard plenty of cheers from Amanpour to her two guests.
At the end of the broadcast, Amanpour engaged in a bit of wishful thinking, telling her guests, “I think that’s so hopeful. Both of you have talked about how the younger generation are going to have to fix this and are motivated to do so.”
For those of us who know our rights under the Second Amendment, such unquestioned liberal cheerleading for such an illogical cause is like a slap in the face.
We know better than to believe that these restrictive gun control measures will do anything to truly stop criminals from getting guns and using them in crimes.
We also know that our rights should not be ignored in lieu of a phantom right to freedom from guns.
Rather, what our country needs is more logical and comprehensive gun control measures that actually lead to a decrease in…
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